Ana Pintado Valverde

About me…
Plant ecophysiological research, in particular studying the physiological response of lichens and mosses to extreme conditions (biological soil crust in arid and polar ecosystems), their adaptation to local conditions, their contribution to the ecosystems and their use as bioindicators of climate change.
Research specific skills: gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence techniques, long term monitoring of metabolic activity and microclimate.
Teaching experience in Plant Biology, Palinology and Biology
Research lines
– Ecophysiology of lichens and mosses
– Biocrust functional performance
– Climate change impact over ecosystems
Former positions and Education
2013-present: Professor at Complutense University of Madrid
2006-2013: Assistant Professor at Complutense University of Madrid
2005-2006: Research contract. Project GR/AMB/0614/2004, Spanish Science Ministry. Department of Plant Biology at Complutense University, Madrid
2004-2005: Research contract. Project REN2003-04570, Spanish Science Ministry. Arid Zones Experimental Station, Almería
2003 – 2004: Postdoctoral Research Fellowship. Project 07M/0055/2002, Madrid Government. Department of Plant Biology, Complutense University of Madrid
2000 – 2001: Postdoctoral Research Fellowship. Project ANT99-0680-C02-0, Spanish Science Ministry. Department of Plant Biology, Complutense University of Madrid
1994 – 1999: Practicum and Lichen Herbarium assistant (MAF-Lich). Department of Plant Biology, Complutense University of Madrid
1994: Research stay at the University of Kiel, Germany
1991 – 1994: PhD Fellowship Spanish science ministry. Department of Plant Biology, Complutense University of Madrid
1991: Degree in Pharmacy, Complutense University of Madrid